The CMO is the champion of the customer experience and should be responsible for ensuring that the brand empathises with its audience. In this Digital Revolution Podcast, Past Master Lesley Wilson from the Worshipful Company of Marketors speaks about the role of the 2021 CMO.
Brand empathy is so vitally important in this modern world. Understanding the customers experience, ultimately empowers businesses to make sound decisions about how to engage. Within the marketing world, many of our colleagues have sadly lost jobs or been furloughed. The way that companies have responded to the pandemic has really helped defined some brands – both positively and negatively.
Businesses who may have miss-judged the market or not listened to the voice of the customer, have sadly lost out. Conversely, brands who have listened and responded with empathy have gained loyalty and trust which will likely set them up for years to come. Navigating the issue of brand empathy and how we respond to the needs of the customer is vitally important. The modern CMO has to be prepared to have those difficult conversations at board level, to ensure the voice of the customer is always present.
Marketing can be a substantial force for economic and social change and bringing benefits for all. Now more than ever, the world of marketing must respond to the global pandemic to ensure that we continue to pivot and thrive in a new digital era. Find out more about our digital marketing agency in London.